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Si te gustan los videojuegos indies donde tienes que resolver casos que nunca hubieras hecho en la vida real, este MY BEST FRIEND SAM'S COUSIN'S FUNERAL by Love From Tom te interesa. Es el funeral del primo de tu mejor amigo Sam. No creo que sepas su nombre... Falleció en un trágico accidente y quieres estar aquí para tu amigo. Desafortunadamente tienes las risitas. No te preocupes, le puede pasar a cualquiera. ¡Solo asegúrate de sincronizar tus risas con los ruidos fuertes cercanos, como el tráfico o los lamentos de los dolientes cercanos!

hey there seems to be some bug - when the laugh bar fills it becomes impossible to lower it any more and it just gets stuck there and nothing happens

The concept seems really good and funny however the game is unplayable. It moves along WAY too fast and doesn't give enough time to read dialogue. The events in the game also happen way too fast. It feels like everything is just thrown at the player all at once and becomes too overwhleming. Also, pressing LMB to let out the laughter broke once it got to the weather storm. I kept pressing but nothing was happening. I was really excited and wanted to make a video but unfortunately can't in the game's current state.  I would love to try again once it gets an update. If possible, please make it so that the player can move along at their own pace.